Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend, part 2

Been a busy weekend!!  Friday night, after my blog post, our friend Tony came by to chill, and play cards with us!  Tony has been one of my dearest friends for years and years, and it's been such sweetness to have him and Mike be friends too.  Here are some pics:

I feel that this one was a little glimpse of what my Mike looks like when he's having guy time away from me....he was so happy to have Tony there that he slipped right into that role - as you can see from his manly glare!

Saturday, Mike and I ran a few errands very early, and then headed over to Mom and Pop DeCarlo's, so that Mike could help build their new garage.  Some pics:

My handsome Mike, with his wonderful brothers Jon and Dave:

TIMOTHY!!  Timothy belongs to Dave and Mich, and had many things to tell us about Woody and Buzz LIGHTYEAR!  I also took some pics of Ky and Caden, who are Jon and Michelle's, but my phone ate them. :-(

We then puttered down to my parents to go shopping with my family for a suit jacket for Mike, and later watched the UMD lacrosse game....some pics:

Peter was moving forward to cheer in this one:

Lastly, on Sunday, we had my siblings and Jaime (Jaime is my best friend, and I've already warned her that she will be a public figure on this blog) over to the apartment for brunch.  Jackie drove me there, and I took the opportunity to use her as a beautiful model to test one of my apps' different camera options....the last pic was Mike also using Jackie to test the same app:

She was either singing, or giving the other driver's important advice:

I love the colors in this one:

Mike testing the polaroid option.....Jackie was pretty long-suffering about being used for this!  But hey, if you're gorgeous, you probably should expect people to want to test their camera stuff on you!!

Today, Memorial Day, I am in the office working so that I can move my holiday to later in the week - when I will use it to accomplish wedding errands!  Mike brought me in some coffee, because he is the best.  :-)

I hope you're having an enjoyable Memorial Day as well!

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