Monday, November 28, 2011

cyber monday tools

thanks to my awesome sister-in-law, michelle, i am now passing onto you two great tools for surfing cyber monday deas:

ebates- open other websites from ebates page, and you receive back a percentage of however much you spend on that site. 

for instance, we're ordering from sears this year - let's say we're going to spend $100.  so by opening the link on ebates's page to place our order, ebates will mail us a check of 10% x $100 = $10.  just by clicking through ebates' page! 

the percentage reward varies by site, and the checks get mailed ~3 months.  you don't need to request the check, they'll just send you an email letting you know it's on its way.

if you know me, and don't mind the extra step, let me know you want to join and i'll send you an invitation - i get free points for referrals!

secondly, retail me not....because we all need a good coupon-codes site during the holidays!  we're shaving off other savings from here, too.

happy shopping!!!

2.5 More Weeks!

Starting back at school again for the last time after Thanksgiving Vacation!

I've been chipping away, sometimes more slowly than others, at my Undergraduate degree for the last 10 years. During that time I was able to grow and mature and really learn what best suited and interested me in pursuing various educational career paths. I finally was brought to Statistics by a great professor, Mr. Jacobs, in 2007 and have been working at my Stat degree ever since.

Now, in December (technically it's still November) I have only 2.5 more weeks of classes before finals in order to completely finish my BS in Applied Statistics!! Kati and I are super (uber) excited!! I really cannot wait to be graduated and finally getting started on a career!! :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

other peoples' words

a friend shared the quote below on twitter today, and i wanted to pass it along:

"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows but only empties today of its strength."
~Charles Spurgeon

and a favorite verse:

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"
~ Matthew 6:25-27

grateful for these words, and seeking to increase my trust in God for all the silly or not-so-silly things that tempt me to anxiety. 

grateful, so grateful, for a God who hears every prayer i pray.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Holiday Vaca!

This week is Thanksgiving week and is full of excitement, adventures, and busy-ness for us! We are kind of doing and "interrupted" vacation this year with Kati's family! We were with them over the weekend (saturday afternoon to sunday evening), but had to return home to attend a few classes and put in a couple more days of work.

Today, while Kati is working, I am at school, adding an extra class to my monday in order to have less on tuesday, and then headed to frederick after for my one week eye check up! Then back down to bethesda to pick up my Kati!! But! Our busy monday is only just getting started then, cus we are headed out to arlington briefly before actually coming home and settling down for the evening.

Tuesday is looking less busy, but could potentially be some running around too! Both our cars needing oil changes, I am hoping I can drive them back and forth to get that done before picking Kati up again in the afternoon! Then our punctuated adventures resume somewhat as we gear up for the exciting tuesday night travels!! Eli Black offered to let us drive his sportscar back out to the vacation house, which is incredibly generous! If our chubby cooler fits we'll be picking that up and then driving it to UMBC for my tuesday night statistics course (it's a very stubborn course that wouldn't get cancelled unfortunately) and then from there (starting at 10pm) we'll hit the road again!!

All this waiting and being responsible is only fueling our excitement and anticipation of the rest fo the Thanksgiving week!! We will have good times with our beloved families eating delicious food and relaxing!! We are so excited!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

picture evidence ;-)

here are the pictures - a gorgeous wedding!!  congratulations, andrew and suzanna, we love you both!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


i have pictures that i need to post but haven't had time to upload them.  but.....suzanna is now mrs. suzanna henry decarlo!  so very happy for both of them!!

and, hopefully, photographic proof to follow....someday.  :-p

Friday, November 4, 2011

happy times!

happy friday!  in 8 days, andrew marries his suzanna - so very, very excited for them!!!!  we love you guys, can't wait to be at your wedding!!