Monday, November 28, 2011

cyber monday tools

thanks to my awesome sister-in-law, michelle, i am now passing onto you two great tools for surfing cyber monday deas:

ebates- open other websites from ebates page, and you receive back a percentage of however much you spend on that site. 

for instance, we're ordering from sears this year - let's say we're going to spend $100.  so by opening the link on ebates's page to place our order, ebates will mail us a check of 10% x $100 = $10.  just by clicking through ebates' page! 

the percentage reward varies by site, and the checks get mailed ~3 months.  you don't need to request the check, they'll just send you an email letting you know it's on its way.

if you know me, and don't mind the extra step, let me know you want to join and i'll send you an invitation - i get free points for referrals!

secondly, retail me not....because we all need a good coupon-codes site during the holidays!  we're shaving off other savings from here, too.

happy shopping!!!

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